Lesson 1 : Heredity

Introduction: Heredity is the passing on of traits and physical features from parents to their children.  Genetics is where it all starts.  Genetics is the science of genes and how traits are passed on from one generation to the next. Genes are the instructions or special codes in each human cell that determine inherited physical features and other traits that make you who you are. Genes determine things like hair color, eye color, height, and bone structure.  People who study genes are called geneticists.

Objectives:  Students will know:

·         what a gene is

·         genes are on chromosomes in a normal cell

·         genes are made of DNA

·         genes come in pairs and we get half from out mother and the other half from our father.


S5L2. Students will recognize that offspring can resemble parents I inherited traits and learned


a.       Compare and contrast the characteristics of learned behaviors and inherited traits.

b.      Discuss what a gene is and the role genes play in the transfer of traits.



Textbook, Study jams video, Stellaluna storyteller, Active Inspire software, Word processing software


Activ board, computers, touch pen

Technology Integrations:

Students will use the internet to read from  their textbook, view a study jams video, and listen to the story of Stellaluna. They will use Word to make a document for definitions and a flash drive to save information. Students will also use the Activ board and a touch pen to create and fill in a Venn diagram for the whole class.


Computer with a projection screen  (Activ Board)

Computer lab for student use


Word processing software

Handout : How to copy and save to a word document and save to a flash drive.


1.       Teacher will introduce heredity using a video clip about heredity from http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/human-body/heredity.htm

2.       Students will read pages 332 – 333 in their online textbook.

3.       Students will copy the definition for gene on page 325 in the online textbook to a words documents titled ‘Definitions' and save it to their flash drive.

4.       Students will listen to the story of Stellaluna on the active board from http://www.storylineonline.net/stellaluna/fullscreen_xl.html

5.       After hearing the story, students will list similarities and differences between Stellaluna and her adopted family using a Venn diagram drawn onto the active board. Student will use a touch pen to add information to the lists.

6.       Teacher will use the Venn diagram to lead the students into a discussion about which things Stellaluna might have inherited and which things she learned.


Teacher will check the flash drive for accuracy and use teacher observation during discussion to assess student understanding.


At home students can go to the Heredity Brainpop and complete the graphic organizer. Print the organizer and bring it to school. Class will try to guess which student is which based on the graphic organizers. (Brainpop is password protected. If you do not have a password you can do a free trial.)